“Years of old mistakes” would indicate that he has acknowledged his wrongs, and apologized for them. Where did Steve apologize for roping fans into his pyramid scheme, or denouncing the alleged symbol he made just last year and denying that he did so intentionally or was racist? Where was his apologies for exposing his coworkers to COVID by failing to identify that he had not gotten vaccinated (until he was forced by ABC to do so) and risking the health of others, including immune-compromised members of their households? It’s funny — Ingo Rademacher was so angered by Burton’s shilling for Monavie that he wrote a letter which he sent to nearly every cast member of GH at the time. I didn’t drag him (or lump them together) even though both have made the CHOICE to no longer be employable by ABC Television / Disney Corporation by failing to meet the terms of their contracts. On a final note, I might suggest you learn what “opinion pieces” are.