Oh, do tell! In what ways am I a dirtbag? By reporting on the fact that two actors chose not to fulfill the terms of their contracts with ABC Television, a division of the Disney Corporation? By sharing a long and documented history of one of those actors in using his fame for profit, selling personal access to him and making false claims of sharing the wealth? Or, how about the fact that he has no problem touting products that have not passed FDA inspections and which claim to have properties they cannot prove, yet he discredits actual science by refusing to get vaccinated against a deadly disease, one that he put his coworkers at risk for when he himself contracted that disease. Or, is it it revealing that there has been suspicion around this actor for the past year due to a strange symbol he appeared to be making during the taping of an episode of this show? Or questioning why he hasn't refuted that symbol and denied that he intended to use a racially-charged gesture? I'd just LOVE to read what Gjunebug, surely a real name with nary a photo or an article or any other evidence offered, discounting what I shared, thinks about me.