I actually agree with your comments. I don’t feel that they negate the point of my article which wasn’t to demonize Kathleen Maddox but simply to tell readers what we know of her. She claimed (after her son’s arrest for murder) that he was a spoiled child who fictionalized parts of his past. She was quoted as saying about her time both with her son and away from him, “I think that made him over-confident. He never had to take a fall, not till he was a grown man. Everything just was handed to him, I admit.” Did he suffer abuse as a child? Perhaps no more than the average spankings, although I do believe there was neglect in his very early years (0–5). Was there abuse in his teens within the reform system which might have accelerated sociopathic tendencies? Likely. But he was diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder at his first facility when he was just 13, before that system abuse and before he became institutionalized. I also suspect that Kathleen may have been abusing alcohol during her pregnancy. Again, she isn’t to blame for who her son became. But asking these questions is still a relevant way to help the public understand human nature just a little bit better and perhaps, even to protect themselves.